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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

eating our national emblem

Some people from other countries may think it strange to eat your national emblem but here in Australia the aboriginals have been doing it for thousands of years.
The early settlers often did too.
As we have become more refined we have moved away from it.
But now it is coming back into fashion.
They have found that kangaroo meat is actually very good for you, and people are starting to eat it more.
VCH and I have tried it a couple of times at restaurants usually as an entree, but I have never cooked it myself, until the other day that is.
Whilst shopping for ingredients for our meal from Brazil I saw some in the meat section of the supermarket.
They had them as garlic and herb mini roasts so I thought we would give it a burl.
Here is the result.

Most people enjoyed it, they particularly liked the red wine jus I made to go with it and we had roasted veges with a breadcrumb topping - very nice and some lovely fresh broccoli straight from the garden. - yummy!

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